Sunday, 7 August 2011

Sneaky Peak!

I thought I would treat you all to a little sneaky peak at how the website is coming along, it is most definitely a work in progress but me and Kathleen Hamma have been hanging out and trying to get it sorted and I think its starting to come together! I am aware of the 'sponsors' typo... that will be changed shortly, what can I say I'm an artist not a dictionary!

Anyway this is also a call for anyone who might want to help, this is your website so the more of you who get involved the more likely it is you will get the website you want. We definitely need someone to help with the 'blurb' for the website, if you are good with words then gimme a shout. I'm also more than happy for people to contribute ideas to the design/layout/content of the website. Any of you are welcome to come hang out with me whilst I work and throw ideas at me. Although be warned, when I am in the apple mac/adobe zone I drink a lot of coffee and smoke a lot of cigarettes!

Thankyou Please



  1. I will come and hang with you and make you drink proper coffee. And also if Lucinda makes her lamb shanks mmmm

  2. Fuck yeah... Mary you can be my official side kick!

    Thanks James :-)

  3. Happy to put some words together while i'm sofa bound?
